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About SparkAbroad Founder
I landed as a skilled worker immigrant to Canada many years ago. Today I can’t imagine how many wrong hypotheses I had about building my life and career when I entered Canada and how costly those wrong hypotheses were for me. Having limited resources of funds, feeling unconfident upon my language skills, unsure if I was eligible for applying for a job related to my skills, experiences and education in my home country, having no connection, no professional network put me under a tremendous amount of stress, pressure and uncertainty.
The good news is that thanks to many existing support systems for immigrants in Canada, many of us will eventually survive while some might get a traumatic experience jeopardizing their mental health for a while, a few would constantly feel the urge to return back home and eventually few will do. some will lose all or a big part of their life saving before they can stand on their feet, the worst group is those who despite having skills and talents, will never find their dream job after immigration, they ended up with working at a job they don’t like or not excited about just to make ends meet, no need to say they will find themselves in a misery for the rest of their immigration journey which was supposed to be one of their most exciting experiences of their entire life.
That’s why we are here! To make your immigration journey a beautiful professional and personal adventure for you and your family not a traumatic and costly experience which it is for many immigrants.
Our goal is:
Making you hired within the shortest possible time after you enter Canada
Reducing the cost of your immigration process and protect your saving
Eliminating the stress and pressure of your future career uncertainty.
Helping you plan your career before you embark on this journey.
Evaluating and assessing your skills and resume
Putting you in a network where you can receive professional support and mentorship
Providing access to a job bank available to you by selected employers who are interested in hiring foreign talents and expats to grow their company and canadian economy.
and much more.
Your career success is our business.
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Testimonials From Our Customers
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Great quality!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Brooklyn Simmons
Web Developer
Good Jobs!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Ronald Richards
Great quality!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Ashley Jenkins
Good Jobs!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Brooklyn Simmons
Web Developer
How It Works?
Job for anyone, anywhere
Free Resume Assessments
Employers on average spend 31 seconds scanning
resumes to identify potential matches.
Job Fit Scoring
Our new fit meter shows you which jobs are most
relevant to your skills and interests.
Help Every Step of the Way
Our career advice section is full of information
to help you identify the right fit.