What is C11 Work Visa sponsorship class?

A C11 visa is a type of work permit issued by the Government of Canada to foreign workers who are entering the country to perform a job that is considered to be in the “live-in caregiver” category. The live-in caregiver program allows foreign workers to come to Canada to provide care for children, elderly persons, or persons with disabilities in a private home, and allows them to live in the home of the person for whom they are providing care.

To be eligible for a C11 visa, a foreign worker must meet several requirements, such as:

  • Have at least six months of full-time training or at least one year of full-time paid work experience in the field of childcare, elderly care or care for people with disabilities,
  • Meet language requirements in English or French,
  • Pass a medical examination,
  • Have a job offer from a Canadian employer who has applied and been approved for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • Have a valid work permit

Additionally, the live-in caregiver program has changed to a new program called the Caregiver Program, which is a pilot program that allows foreign caregivers to come to Canada through open work permit, and it allows them to live anywhere they want and change their employer after two years of working with the same employer.